Appliance Repair Service Independence
3 Ways to avoid costly Appliance Repair Expenses before calling a technician in Independence,MO
Best Steps To Repair Appliances
Servicing your broken household appliances can be a daunting experience when your dryer, oven, range, refrigerator, dishwasher and washer start to malfunction causing inconvenience and headaches. Most household appliances are manufactured to a high industry standard and when you purchase them you really do expect and assume they will work hard for you for many years. In most cases they do last for years without the need for maintenance or repair service. In fact, most appliances only have less than 2% breakdown during warranty phase. (might keep that in mind) When appliances start acting up, malfunctioning or breaking down most of us would not know where to start looking for the problems, how to repair appliances or who to trust.
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The answer could be to call out an expert technician or a professional in appliance repair but this could be a costly experience. Should you save money and fix it yourself? A large majority of people would say no, but read on, you could learn what you need to know here on how to take major appliances apart, refer to the repair manual and fix them back up to working order.
Steps to Repair Your Appliance Starts With Safety
Major appliance repair consists of several steps that should be taken to determine if you could service the machine and try to figure out what the problem is and fix it. It is important to remember to take precautions or you could end up costing yourself extra money by damaging the appliance further or worst still you could end up injuring yourself.
Disconnect Power To Appliance
- Whenever you start any maintenance service or appliance repair on any electrical or gas powered appliance make sure it is disconnected completely from any main supply. Also after you have made any repair you will want to test it, if then you need to make any further repairs or adjustments make sure you disconnect the appliance again from main power. Unplugging the appliance to repair is to avoid the possibility of electric shock that can kill you.
Understand How To Disassemble
- Another step to remember is that if the appliance you are trying to repair is held together with bolts, screws, plugs, clips or other removable fasteners or attachments, you will most likely be able to make the repair. Should you find that the appliance you are trying to repair has welded or riveted parts do not attempt to repair it yourself as you will not be able to put it back together and could do more damage to the appliance than good. It would now be a good time to call a professional in appliance repair.
Use A Multi meter to Find Bad Component
- During your inspection if you find a malfunctioning, broken component or part, its good to remember it will be easier to replace these items rather than trying to repair them. Most replacement parts can be found and purchased from the manufacturer like Whirlpool, GE, Maytag, Kenmore brands. Similar or after market parts can sometimes be used as long as they are of equivalent design to fit into the same place on the appliance.
Where To Go For Service or Parts
When looking to buy replacement parts some good places to look are appliance repair service providers like KCFixed, appliance repair parts stores like Dey Distributing, Marcone, Repair Clinic and appliance repair service centers. Also remember, you do not have to use major brand parts, after market items work just as well. If you struggle to get hold of replacement appliance parts a good bet is to try the manufacturer of the model, the address and contact details you should be able to find on a label somewhere on the appliance. In addition, with Ebay, Amazon, You Tube and other online services it has become somewhat easier to locate hard to find items with step-by-step instructions. Make sure when you call the manufacturer you have the model number of the appliance and also the serial number so the supplier can find the item number of the part you need to purchase.
Be Sure and Check the Basics
Lastly the final thing to remember about appliance repair is to make sure you check that the water is on, the machine is plugged in and the breaker hasn’t tripped. Don’t laugh we have done several service calls to flip a switch or turn on water. It will cost you handsomely.
So to recap , check energy source, be sure you understand how the appliance is fastens so you don't make a bigger problem, and make sure you have a good understanding of how the appliance parts functions. The basic go a long way but if you feel you are not up to the task...we are, so give KC Appliances and Repair a call.
For service on your appliances give KC Appliances and Repair a call at 816 286-4445 we are here to help.